A portrait of each of my children every month: March

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The special thing about each of these portraits is that it was special "alone" time with each child.  You can just see the happiness in their smiles.  That makes this project worthwhile right there!

Dash:  You turned 3 and you are testing your limits every day! Literally testing them! Yesterday you jumped off the dining room table only landing inches from your baby sister on the floor!  Oh MY!! But then there are moments when you want to hug me immediately after you do something wrong and that makes it ok.  I love when you NEED me!  I know that won't last much longer so I will do anything to soak up that time and hold onto it forever!  
This day was so much fun! We played in the perfect snowman snow for a good 45 minutes while your baby slept.

Marlo:  You personality is becoming more alive every day! You are grabbing things and wondering how you did that and almost rolling over!  I love that you can be crying sometimes and I can mock you and make you go from tears to big smiles.  You have allowed daddy to put you to sleep a few times this month! That's progress! I cannot believe in 5 short days you will be 4 months old!

Stella: We have reached a mother and daughter nagging breakthrough.  I write you notes now.  Most of the time it is to tell you what needs to be done but sometimes they are encouraging notes!  This photo was taken at a photo shoot spot that you helped me set up! You love to help and continue to make me coffee in the morning!  :)

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