Conover Bliss! | Iowa Family Photograpy |

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What can I say about the first baby boys that I fell in love with?  When I gave birth to my daughter Stella, Finn was just 6 months old and one of her first visitors. From then on those two were meant to be :) I was in love with his shy demeanor and adorable, well everything! He was my first! 

Otto was born, just weeks after our wedding and then again Love at first sight! He was so cuddly and lovable that we passed him around the room, no one wanting to give him up! 

It wasn't until 10 months later that I understood the love that you have for your own baby boy! It was amazing! 

Lets not forget Hattie! We have a special connection!  She loves to let me get her dressed up and take photos and of course do her hair! Its our thing! 

This family is so special to me! We have grown together, Literally and still remain the best of friends.  Not to mention that after all this time that Stella and Finn still maintain that they want to get married when they grow up and have triplets.  Because 3 kids separately would be too darn easy!

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